A Sedentary Lifestyle Is Not For Me

Let’s face it, the pandemic has gotten on all of our last nerves. Our lives have been completely altered, our actions restricted, and we can’t travel or visit like we used to. As I looked for new ways to keep myself entertained at home during all of this, it was easy to get settled into a sedentary lifestyle. I did what most of us did while we were on mandatory lockdown, I cooked, I baked, and binged watched tv. (All while walking past the treadmill that was purchased and infrequently used long before the pandemic started. 🙂 ) I also started to notice that my weight was increasing and I was tired more than usual. That’s when I knew that I had to add exercising into my day.

I’ve always been very active so I decided that I was about to let a pandemic change that. I began walking/jogging at least 5 miles per day and I feel so much better. I walk at various times during the day so that I can exercise during the morning, afternoon and evening. I’ve been doing it for a few weeks now and it seems to be working since I actually look forward to exercising. I will be looking for more ways to exercise as well so that I do not get bored with my routine.

What have you been doing to remain active during the pandemic?

Until next time, love, peace and many blessings!

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